A feather in the cap for the man with panache, this Dalmation Lapel Flower is ebullient with exquisite features. A perfect compliment to a refined suit and martini in-hand, this Dalmation Lapel Flower offers a frivolous design with classic tones. Boasting luxurious layers of soft fabric atop a hand-chiselled pin, this lapel is matched in design and quality.For your formal events this season, give your classic tweed suit a boost by making the Black and White Polka Dot Lapel a staple component of your suit ensemble.
Lapel Flower Code:LP05
Length of entire lapel pin: 9 cm / 3.54 inches
Length of metal pin: 5.8 cm / 2.28 inches
Length of flower: 5 cm / 1.97 inches
Width of flower: 5 cm / 1.97 inches
Style of lapel pin: stick pin (slide on/slide off collar)
Includes a removable collar at the bottom of the pin that detaches and reattaches when the pin is in place