For as long as we know, trumpets have been with us for a very long time. As early as 1500 BC, early man already discovered animal horns which are open at both ends and played with pursed lips that would create a loud resonant sound that could go beyond long distance. As time went by, craftsmen decorated this horn and eventually recreated them proactively with metal and ceramic to form the earliest man-made trumpets.
The Antique Silver Trumpet Tie Bar symbolizes the rich history we had which is very important for us to understand change. Shaped together with the shade of antique silver to compliment the lavish origin of trumpets, let this tie bar synchronize how open you are to the changes towards becoming a better person day by day. And just like how craftsmen expand the features and uses of trumpets as years go by, this tie bar will serve as your reminder to that commitment. Make a loud impact wearing this astonishing piece from OTAA.
This tie bar will cover roughly 3/4 width of our neckties and the full width of our skinny ties.
Length of Tie Bar: 5 cm
Product Code: 1059-TB
Style :Clip-on