The Flamenco Pink Floral Skinny Tie is a lavish piece of attire, with a pleasant combination of colours and floral impression. The Flamenco dance is an old traditional performance with a blend of beautiful guitar falsetas, vocals, and complex solo choreography. The Elder Brother won this vivacious Slim Tie after his legendary victory in a Flamenco competition aboard a restored Spanish galleon.
The eye-catching motif features a vibrantly coloured abundance of flowers, boasting a scintillating array of flamenco pink, off-white, emerald green, steel grey, and aubergine with the striking design is elevated by the flamenco pink background. The Crimson Rose Steel-Blue Floral Slim Tie will leave onlookers looking like they’ve just had a dance contest; completely breathless.
Skinny Tie Code: Y304-ST6