The Indigo Blue and Black Stripe Necktie carries itself with swagger and charm - like a certain sea captain sailing into the dock upon the tip of a sinking ship’s mast, deftly stepping ashore as the ship parks itself against the Caribbean sands below the surface. This may just be the best tie you’ve ever seen.
Two thick strokes of satin fabric alternate over the body, one a gently shimmering indigo blue, stitched in a downward manner. The other, a chequered stitched, matte black flecked and stunningly accentuated by razor-thin linings of gloss black underneath. This combination of elaborately finessed textures comes together in a harmonious marriage of style and elegance. The Indigo Blue and Black Stripe Tie will serve to anchor your ensemble with its base tones and enticing design.
Necktie Code: Y092-T85
This item's measurements are
145 cm length8.5 cm widest point3.2 cm narrowest point
Dry cleanHand madeSpecifications
100% Microfiber