A gentleman is any man of good and courteous conduct. Originally, gentleman was the lowest rank of the landed gentry of England, ranking below an esquire and above a yeoman; by definition, the rank of gentleman comprised the younger sons of the younger sons of peers, and the younger sons of a baronet, a knight, and an esquire, in perpetual succession. As such, the connotation of the term gentleman captures the common denominator of gentility (and often a coat of arms); a right shared by the peerage and the gentry, the constituent classes of the British nobility.
The Navy Blue with Red Polkadot Kids Diamond Bow Tie will trump up your simple attire with a refined accoutrement. Shaped with a somber shade of navy blue to appear it is more finessed and red polka dot to emphasize how lustrous this piece is. No doubt while wearing this bow tie everyone will notice how dashing you are together with your ensemble.
Bow Tie code:X690-KID-DBT
This item's measurements are
Length of Kids diamond bow tie strap at full length: 45 cm (17.71')Length of Kids diamond bow tie front bow : 11.5 cm (4.53')Height of Kidsdiamond tied bow (widest point): 5.5 cm (2.17')Height of Kids diamond tied bow (narrowest point): 2 cm (0.79')All dimensions are approximate onlyCare
Dry cleanHand madeSpecifications
Pre-tied Boys Diamond Bow TieBoys Diamond Bow Tie comes with an easy to wearadjustablestrap that can be strapped onKids Diamond Bow Tie latches with theadjustablestrap and is suitable for kids from ages 1-8100% Microfiber