Sapphire, transparent to translucent, natural or synthetic variety of corundum that has been highly prized as a gemstone since about 800 BC. Its colour is due mainly to the presence of small amounts of iron and titanium and normally ranges from a very pale blue to deep indigo, with the most valued a medium-deep cornflower blue. Colourless, gray, yellow, pale pink, orange, green, violet, and brown varieties of gem corundum also are known as sapphire; red varieties are called ruby. Much sapphire is unevenly coloured; it is also dichroic; that is, the colour of most varieties changes with the direction of view. Alexandrite sapphire appears blue in daylight and reddish or violet in artificial illumination, somewhat like true alexandrite.
The Sapphire Blue Danube Cufflinks is a great way to show your spectacular sophistication and style. With its vibrant shade of sapphire blue makes it pleasing to the wearer and to the eye of everyone who'll glimpse at your regalia. Let this tie bar compliment how charming and alluring you are together with this ace piece.
Colour: Silver, Blue
Cufflink Style: 1082-CL
Includes a small cylinder at the back that rotates 90 degrees to hold the cufflink in place