Shades of black are colors that differ only slightly from pure black. These colors have a low lightness. From a photometric point of view, a color which differs slightly from black always has low relative luminance. Variations of black include what are commonly termed off-black colors, which may be considered part of a neutral color scheme, usually in interior design as a part of a background for brighter colors. Black and dark gray colors are powerful accent colors that suggest weight, dignity, formality, and solemnity.
The Black Slate Cufflinks is an absolute to any sleek gentleman as it decreases its lightness while conserving its chromaticity. If you are eyeing for a gear that will boost your self confidence then this tie bar will totally rock yourself and your formal attire. People will surely notice how striking you are with your regalia.
Cufflink Style: 1012-CL
Includes a small cylinder at the back that rotates 90 degrees to hold the cufflink in place